Friday, June 11, 2010

by Sayed Ahmed

I have been at some all-time lows in my life to the point that death seemed like a better choice from what I was feeling and going through. Like it would be a sure-fired blessing. I'm not talking about suicide because I value my life too much, but if you've ever experienced a serious illness or a person has brought true misery into your life, you know what I'm talking about. Sometimes the down and pain is so intense, you feel like it would be okay if there is no tomorrow. It was at those times when I definitely felt that God was going to and did help me. He did make his statement to me and gave me the strength and courage I didn't even know what inside of me pulled me up from the bootstraps. I remember at one of those times while browsing, reading a verse of Quran that said "I will never leave you, nor forsake you." It made me finally breathe and experience a sharp sense of relief.
We can't blame God when he wants to turn his face from us sometimes because he can't bear the stupid thinking of us that, He will give us everything we want. It is high time we realize that he has given us life to lead on our own and follow his rules. Keep prizing Him and pray He knows what to give and when to give. Don’t expect that your prayers will bring wealth and make you rich. If this concept, the more you pray the richer you become, is true there wouldn’t have been Bill Gates, Tatas, Ambanis etc. and all the wealth should have been with Christian Pastors, Hindu Priests, Muslim Mullahs and othe religious priests, because they are always in prayers. So God made it clear that prayer is only to please Him and he will reward you in whichever way He wants.
God has created this universe with a system and very intelligently created and placed everything, for example he placed sun away from us and the moon close by. Had he placed it the other way the earth would have blown and gone in to ashes. Likewise He has created Tigers and Rabbits – Strong people and week people – Rich and Poor. Just imagine if all the people were to be Police officers who will look after the law and order? And if everyone becomes a Doctors who will do the nursing? so you have to have police constables and nursing staff only then the system works. To run this universe till the dooms day God has asked us to blindly follow his system and we have to. Rewards and punishments are following you, so don’t worry be happy and keep praying.
I can’t afford to take much of your time, hence I shall stop with this, we will discuss some time later.
- Sayed